Information on New Criminal Defense Laws in California


What is the Penalty for Robbery?


Robbery refers to the taking or snatching of another person's personal property. The taking is from the other individual's person or immediate presence, including anywhere in their vicinity, and against their will. The taking is accomplished through force, violence, fear, or a threat of imminent physical injury or death upon the victim to prevent them from resisting. Lastly, the taking happens with the intent to deny the victim the property permanently or for a period long enough to deny them a significant percentage of its value. Robbery is criminalized in all states. Penalties differ from one state to another. Criminal Penalties of a California Robbery Depend on the Classification of the Violation California law categorizes robbery into two classes: first-degree and second-degree robbery. The consequences you will face upon a robbery conviction depend on which of... Read More

How You Can Defend Yourself in a False Accused Crime?


Many criminal cases rely entirely on witness statements, testimonies, and allegations. For several reasons, sometimes these accusations are false or inaccurate. As much as the prosecution wants you to believe their witnesses are independent and unbiased, this is not always the case, and you could end up with charges or a conviction for a crime you never committed. False reporting or accusing another person of an offense without proof is a crime that is harshly punished, but this does not make the offense uncommon. Several crimes, like rape, assault, arson, and domestic violence, are based on false accusations. The false charges stem from mistaken identity, misleading forensic proof, misconduct by investigative agencies, malicious false blame, and misrecollection. In this situation, you need an experienced defense lawyer to challenge the false charges and contest the... Read More

How Does Extortion Work in California?


Extortion charges arise when you force another person to surrender their property to you through violence or threats. You could also be charged with threatening someone into doing an official act in your favor. Extortion is a severe felony charged under California Penal Code 518. Before you face a conviction under this statute, the prosecution must prove your unlawful acts and criminal intentions. The stakes are high for defendants facing extortion charges in California. The crime attracts felony charges, and a conviction will result in a lengthy prison sentence. Additionally, you could face hefty fines and severe collateral consequences. Hiring and retaining a defense attorney increases your chances of obtaining a favorable case outcome when facing extortion charges. Your lawyer will help protect your constitutional rights and build a solid defense against your... Read More

How does California Law Define Elder Abuse?


People over 65 are considered vulnerable members of society and are at risk of being mistreated. California Penal Code 368 describes and establishes punishments for actions that cause emotional or mental distress, physical harm, or financial exploitation of an elderly person. If you are accused of elder abuse, the state will use the DA's office to try to prove your guilt under PC 368. However, the senior or their family can still pursue a separate civil case for damages, even if there is a criminal prosecution. Being charged with elder abuse can lead to either a misdemeanor or felony conviction, significantly impacting your social and economic life. If you face elder abuse charges, contacting a skilled attorney is crucial. At the Los Angeles Criminal Attorney, we are here to help and ready to provide legal assistance. Contact our lawyers today to start building a solid... Read More

How Does California Law Define First-Degre Robbery?


First-degree robbery is one of the most severe theft crimes under California law. It entails physically stealing another person's property while the owner is present. Additionally, the crime is committed using force, threats, or fear. First-degree robbery is a felony carrying a significant jail sentence and high court fines. A conviction can drastically alter your life and have an extended impact. For example, it could influence how you are viewed while applying for jobs and essential services like insurance. Therefore, if you face accusations of first-degree robbery, you need the best legal representation. Your lawyer will facilitate the legal process for you, aid in your understanding of the legal ramifications of your case, and advocate on your behalf in the courtroom. The legal Definition of Robbery Theft laws in California are sometimes used in extensive... Read More

What is Driving While Addicted to Drugs Under VC 23152?


Several people understand that impaired driving is illegal, but few know that driving while addicted to drugs is similarly unlawful under Vehicle Code (VC) 23152(c). While this offense is uncommon, a VC 23152(c) violation conviction can attract severe and life-altering consequences even if you were not intoxicated at the time you were driving. Hiring an attorney to help you understand what you are up against and the options available to avoid or minimize the potential consequences of this offense conviction is a decision you cannot regret. If you are arrested or charged with a VC 23152(c) violation and wonder what options are available to challenge the offense for a favorable outcome, this article is for you. What It Means to Drive While Addicted to Drugs Under Vehicle Code (VC) 23152(c) According to VC 23152(c), it is a crime for any person with a drug addiction or... Read More

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