Information on New Criminal Defense Laws in California


Health and Safety Code 11377 Possession of Methamphetamine


Possession of methamphetamine is a serious offense that can result in misdemeanor or felony charges, depending on the details of your case. A felony conviction can result in a lengthy prison sentence and a hefty court fine. A conviction can also have life-changing consequences, including a damaging criminal record that could affect your efforts to find suitable employment. However, you can fight your charges if you face false charges, have a prescription for the drug, or are a victim of unlawful search and seizure. A skilled attorney can help you develop a solid defense against your charges for the best possible outcome for your case. What the DA Must Prove The law regulates the possession, sale, and distribution of some drugs and substances because of their potential for abuse and addiction. Methamphetamine is one of the most highly regulated substances in... Read More

All You Need to Know About California Ecstasy Laws


MDMA, commonly known as ecstasy, could bring to mind raves and heightened sensory experiences. This substance is well known for enhancing users' energy, emotional warmth, and a deeper connection with others. However, behind this seemingly positive facade lies a concerning reality. The substantial risks ecstasy poses to your physical and mental health are the reason California categorizes it as a controlled substance. Even though it is a controlled substance, MDMA use is on the rise. Because of the perceived risks and potential for abuse, the state has enacted several laws related to ecstasy. Let us look at each of them. Why is Ecstasy Illegal? MDMA, ecstasy, or molly causes rapid overheating, which can result in dehydration and potentially fatal hyperthermia by upsetting the body's natural temperature control. This could harm essential organs and cause death.... Read More

314 PC – Indecent Exposure – California Law & Penalties


Aside from the social stigma attached to it, being arrested or charged with indecent exposure could put your freedom and reputation at stake. If you or a family member is under investigation or have indecent exposure charges under Penal Code (PC) 314, retaining the services of a skilled and competent defense attorney could help. A skilled and experienced defense attorney could negotiate with the prosecutor to secure a lighter charge in a plea bargain, convince the judge to dismiss your charges at trial, or help you secure a minimum sentence upon conviction. Read on to learn more about the offense of indecent exposure under PC 314 and what you should expect upon conviction. Bail Hearing for Indecent Exposure Charge Under PC 314 As the name suggests, you commit the offense of indecent exposure when you willfully expose your genitals in public around people who could be... Read More

Health and Safety Code 11378 Possession of Methamphetamine for Sale


Possessing methamphetamine for sale is a major drug crime in California, according to Health and Safety Code 11378. This law defines the illegal conduct of possessing controlled substances, particularly methamphetamine or meth, with the intent of selling or distributing them. Being charged under HSC 11378 is more than just a legal stumbling block; it presents a serious threat to the course of the accused's life, potentially resulting in a lengthy stay in prison, affecting your constitutional rights, and leaving a permanent felony record. The consequences of being convicted can affect every aspect of your life, from housing to education and job prospects. Read on to learn more about how possession of meth for sale is charged under HSC 11378. Key Elements of Possession of Methamphetamine for Sale Methamphetamine is a Schedule II drug classified as a controlled... Read More

Drug Crimes - Opioid Addiction, Prescription Drugs, and Fentanyl


Opioids are common painkillers whose prescription and usage are highly regulated. They are compelling and can cause significant complications, even when used responsibly. Accidental deaths and overdoses are some of the most commonly reported problems with opioids. Unfortunately, the effects of opioids make them perfect prey for people who leisurely use drugs. After some time of using them, these people become addicted, causing them to engage in illegal acts to sustain their addiction. Drug laws are stringent, especially those against the distribution and trafficking of controlled substances. They can result in a lengthy time in jail and a hefty court fine. However, most people who are arrested for non-violent drug crimes due to addictions are usually in need of treatment and support, not punishment. If your loved one is facing drug-related charges for opioid addiction,... Read More

How Does Eye witness Testimony Effect Criminal Cases


Typically, eyewitness testimonies/narrations are vital evidence in criminal cases. They can sometimes be the only evidence the prosecutor has against you. An eyewitness is under oath when testifying at trial, and judges often give them a lot of credibility. Nevertheless, there are challenges to the testimonies’ validity, and a false or inaccurate testimony can have negative consequences. Your defense lawyer can help you determine the testimony’s validity and whether you can suppress the proof from your case to build a robust case defense strategy. Effect of Eyewitness Testimonies on Criminal Charges Eyewitness testimonies are individuals’ accounts of witnessing a crime or an event. They describe the incident as it occurred in the eyes of the individual who saw the crime unfold, including identifying the people present, the perpetrator, and the event... Read More

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