Information on New Criminal Defense Laws in California


What to Do When You Are Arrested at a Checkpoint DUI


Driving under the influence (DUI) is a criminal offense that can alter your life in many ways. Apart from losing a driving license, you could be subject to hefty fines and prison sentences, especially if you have prior conviction history of the same offense. Steps you will take immediately after an arrest at a checkpoint for DUI will affect your case’s outcome in many ways. Traffic police officers at a checkpoint have a way of building DUI cases on flimsy evidence, making many people end up with wrongful convictions. This article will discuss what to do when you are arrested at a checkpoint DUI to know how to protect your legal rights and interests. What to Do Following an Arrest at a DUI Checkpoint If you were driving under the influence and the police arrest you at a DUI checkpoint, your next move will affect your case’s outcome. A DUI charge can impact your life in... Read More

What to Do When the Police Pull You Over for a DUI


After enjoying dinner and glasses of wine - feeling satisfied, but not feeling high from the wine, or so you think - you sit behind the wheel and drive away en route home. A few blocks away from your house, you are pulled over. Anxiety begins trickling in while questions run in your mind. Why are the police pulling me over? Were the glasses of wine I drank too much? Will I face a DUI arrest? The end result depends on your conduct, and even if the traffic officers arrest you, the answers you give and actions you do during the DUI stop are vital. Below is a step-by-step guide of what to do when the police pull you over for driving under the influence. However, the guide is not an alternative for being cautious and avoiding actions that could put you at the risk of being stopped for a DUI. Also, it is not an alternative for seeking assistance from a DUI lawyer. If you need... Read More

The Penalties You Can Face for a DUI


Drunk driving is a significant problem in all states across the country. California registers a high number of DUI-related accidents every year. It explains why the state has stringent DUI laws, with grave consequences for those found guilty of any DUI-related offense. The penalties an offender receives in California for DUI depend on several factors, including the facts of their case and the offender’s criminal history. If you face DUI charges today, understanding the penalties you are likely to receive is vital as it prepares you for the case ahead. Partnering with an experienced criminal defense attorney could cause the court to either drop or reduce your charges. An Overview of California Drunk Driving Laws California laws make it illegal for all motorists to operate under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is also unlawful to drive a car with a BAC of 0.08% or... Read More

Reasons Why You Should Hire a Defense Lawyer for Your Criminal Case


Imagine being charged with a crime that you didn't commit. You are indeed innocent, but you must prove your innocence in court. If you are in such a tricky situation, you should look for the best attorney to represent you and prove your innocence. Besides proving your innocence, a lawyer can help you petition your plea bargain and other aspects related to your criminal charges. Following are the benefits of hiring a defense lawyer for your case:  Defense Lawyers Have Better Legal Knowledge and Expertise The primary benefit of hiring a criminal defense lawyer is the expertise that they have and offer. Qualified attorneys have been professionally educated, meaning that they know various legal systems ins and outs. For instance, lawyers in California go through a vigorous training process to be members of the California Bar Association. The process begins with... Read More

How to Know If You Have a Warrant for Your Arrest


If you’ve ever been arrested or have seen the police apprehending someone, you will know how an unpleasant ordeal an arrest can be. People suspected of criminal activities are mostly caught by surprise when the police come knocking with a warrant in their hands. The majority of people who’ve been arrested in the past weren’t aware of a warrant for their arrest before the police caught them by surprise. It is to say that when the judge issues out a warrant for your arrest, no one from the government will call to inform you about it. You have to find out about it by yourself and act in time before suffering the embarrassment. But how can you discover if there’s a warrant for your arrest? Working with an experienced criminal attorney can help you with that and guide you on avoiding implicating yourself further. What is a Warrant? Before we delve into how you could... Read More

What to Do When There is a Warrant for Your Arrest


If you commit a criminal offense in the presence of an officer, you can be arrested without a warrant. However, if there is an investigation and a police officer suspects that you committed a crime, they could ask a judge to issue a warrant of arrest. If there is a warrant, investigations into the crime must yield probable cause to arrest you. The decisions and steps you take after learning that there is a warrant for your arrest could impact the outcome of your situation. Contacting a competent criminal lawyer is the first thing you need to do on suspicion that there may be a warrant for your arrest. Your attorney will guide you through understanding what crime the warrant is alleging and help you clear the warrant before you spend time in jail. We invite you to get in touch with us at the Los Angeles Criminal Attorney if there is a warrant for your arrest, so we can... Read More

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